NCDOT Reiterates: Drivers Should Stay in Place Unless Evacuating
RALEIGH, NC (September 16, 2018) — The N.C. Department of Transportation continues to urge drivers to stay off the roads, as the rains from Florence continue and conditions worsen by the hour. As of Sunday afternoon, at 4:30, nearly 700 road closures across the state.
Changing Road Conditions Risk Stranding Drivers,,,
“Unless you are evacuating, stay in place,” said Transportation Secretary Jim Trogdon. “Road conditions are changing rapidly with the rising waters and you could endanger yourself and those responding to the storm.”
By traveling in potentially hazardous areas, drivers are putting themselves and others at risk and impeding access for critical personnel – emergency services, utilities, road crews – responding to this storm.
GPS navigation systems are not keeping up with the changing road closures and are directing people onto roads that are confirmed closed and/or flooded.
To get an idea on road conditions, which are rapidly changing, go to
Have seen very troubling video of people in the Charlotte area wading through and driving through deep/swift water…even saw a man walk out into swift flood waters with two young girls (one slip and they would have been gone.) Video below is from WCNC…Mark (CJ)