NCDOT Launches the 2022 Aviation Art Contest

RALEIGH, NC (October 21, 2021) — The N.C. Department of Transportation is encouraging children and teenagers to show off their artistic work by taking part in the 2022 Aviation Art Contest.
This year’s theme is “Design Your Perfect Aircraft”. All North Carolina students born between Jan. 1, 2004 and Dec. 31, 2015 are welcome to submit their entries now through Jan. 10. The entries will be judged in one of three age groups: junior (ages 6-9), intermediate (ages 10-13) and senior (ages 14-17).
Every entry in each age group will have a chance to compete for one of three prizes to be awarded to the student and his or her school. The top 10 art pieces in each age group will be displayed at the North Carolina Museum of Art.
The top three in each group will be advanced to the national competition, which will be hosted by the National Association of State Aviation Officials in Washington D.C. National winners are submitted to the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale’s headquarters in Switzerland for the international contest.
N.C. students saw much success in last year’s competition, winning five of the nine prizes in the national competition and three top prizes internationally.
Submissions must be postmarked no later than Jan. 10. Artwork and a certificate of authenticity should be mailed to:
NCDOT Aviation Art Contest
N.C. Division of Aviation
1560 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1560
More information about the 2022 North Carolina Aviation Art Contest can be found on the Division of Aviation’s website. The contest is sponsored by the North Carolina Airports Association and member donors.
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