N.C. pecan growers prevail, good crop for Thanksgiving

RALEIGH, NC (November 18, 2019) — Pecan pie lovers can celebrate. The North Carolina pecan growers have a good crop ahead of the holidays despite a relatively dry summer and damages sustained during last year’s hurricane season.

That is good news for consumers wanting to incorporate local ingredients into their Thanksgiving meals.

“Reports from growers are showing a good quantity and quality of pecans this year, with pecan season running into December,” said Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler.

The department encourages consumers to look for the Got To Be NC logo on packaged pecans, visit local farmers markets or take a trip to more than two dozen pecan orchards across the state. Dec. 13 will be Pecan Day at the State Farmers Market, where visitors can get free samples of a pecan dessert, plus mouth-watering pecan recipes to try at home.

The N.C. Pecan Growers Association offers an online directory to help consumers find local pecan orchards at www.buyncpecans.com. The website also includes pecan recipes and downloadable activities for children.

North Carolina is one of the Top 10 pecan-producing states in the nation. While pecans are grown across the state, the majority of commercial orchards are located in Eastern and Southeastern North Carolina.