LENOIR, NC (September 9, 2019) — Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care trained eight new volunteers during its recent volunteer training workshops. Patient-family care, patient care unit support, grounds-keeping, veterans to visit and make Veterans Honoring Veterans presentations to patients, and special projects are among the many available assignments awaiting these new volunteers. The new volunteers are: Michael Blackwood, Sylvia Dula, Carly Gragg (VolunTEEN), Elaine Guyton, Margie Hilton, Dean McGhinnis, Sydney Propst (VolunTEEN), and Maggie Wilson.
The next Adult Volunteer Training sessions will be October 14 and 16 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Caldwell Hospice’s McCreary Family Professional Center on Pine Mountain Road in Hudson. Attendance is required at each session, and meals will be provided.
Caldwell Hospice has an ongoing need for volunteers. Volunteer Coordinator Cyndi Akins will match volunteers’ skills with the organization’s needs. For information about the program or to inquire about the next adult volunteer training, call 828.754.0101 or email cakins@caldwellhospice.org.
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