Western Piedmont Woodcrafters Club to exhibit at Extravaganza
HICKORY, NC (October 20, 2019) — The Western Piedmont Woodcrafters Club will participate in the Klingspor’s Woodworking Extravaganza, October 25-26, at the Hickory Metro Convention Center. Instead of our regular meeting, we will have a booth at the Extravaganza, where we will demonstrate scroll sawing, and show projects by club contest winners and other club members. Visitors will have the opportunity to ask questions and make comments about woodworking activities, projects, tools, and techniques. The Extravaganza will include many completed projects, and woodworking tool and technique demonstrations by woodworking enthusiasts and equipment vendors.
The club consists of about 70 Hickory-area woodworkers of all skill levels, from hobbyist to professionals. The club usually meets on the fourth Saturday of each month at the Klingspor’s Woodworking Shop in Hickory. The exceptions are our annual offsite picnic, the October Klingspor’s Woodworking Extravaganza, and a combined November/December meeting.
For more information, call 828-855-4941.
A Western Piedmont Woodcrafters Club Press Release