Valmead Fire Rescue receives grant from NC Department of Insurance
LENOIR, NC (December 19, 2018) — Valmead Fire Rescue is pleased to announce a $25,000 rescue grant award from the Department of Insurance! Commissioner Causey thanked Chief Mark Yates and the department for their hard work and dedication in a public news release.
The funds will be used to purchase a quick response vehicle to lessen the burden on our 23-year-old single cab Ford brush truck. Chief Yates commented, “This purchase will allow us to serve our citizens with a more cost effective, safer response. This purchase will allow us to more efficiently respond to calls within our district and assist other departments with manpower requests and mutual aid calls. Each year Valmead Fire Rescue responds to approximately 400 calls.”

Interested in helping our growing fire department? We are in need of members with a willingness to learn; we currently need Firefighters, EMTs and administrative volunteers proficient in Microsoft Office. Stop by on Monday nights for more information!
Valmead Fire Rescue Facebook Page
Press Release courtesy of Phil Crump