Update from Caldwell County Schools

LENOIR, NC (March 30, 2020) — As ordered by Gov. Roy Cooper public schools are closed until May 15 and the Governor’s recent announcement of a 30-day stay at home order means that the already limited operations of the school system will be reduced further.

“Our primary focus is on the safety and welfare of our staff and students,” said Superintendent Dr. Donald Phipps. “We place their health and safety first as we move forward with our commitment to provide educational resources, remote learning, and free meals to children and youth in Caldwell County.”

Effective Monday, Mar. 30 at 5:00 pm in accordance with the stay at home order, the school district will operate with essential personnel only and will be closed to the public.

“I urge all faculty and staff to avoid any health risks,” said Phipps. “Those who can perform their work from home are encouraged to do so. The school buildings will remain open for school staff who need to access their resources and for those who are preparing meals for the drive-thru food distribution meal service.”

When Gov. Cooper closed public schools to students for two weeks beginning Mar. 16, the school district distributed a total of 85,500 free meals to children and youth 18 years and younger. The district plans to continue the distribution of breakfast and lunch meals as long as the program can be managed efficiently.

“We know that this is a difficult time and whenever this is behind us, we will be ecstatic to see all of our students back in school. For those who will be graduating, we have made a commitment to do everything within our means to hold a prom and graduation for the Class of 2020.”