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Upcoming Caldwell Senior Center Events

LENOIR, NC (September 20, 2019) — Here are the upcoming Caldwell Senior Center events for the month of October…

Friday, October 4

VAYA Health’s Geriatric and Adult Mental Health Specialty Team will be at the Caldwell Senior Center to present two FREE programs.  At 10:00am they will talk about “Depression:  From Surviving to Thriving” followed by “Anti-Depressant Medications” at 11:00am.  Community individuals, agency staff serving the aged, caregivers and anyone interested in learning about these topics are encouraged to attend.  Please call 758-2883 to register.  The Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Tuesday, October 8

David Hudson with Hudson Estate & Financial Consulting will be at the Senior Center to give a FREE program about planning your estate for a lifetime and beyond at 3:30 PM on Oct. 8th.  Many people don’t understand the consequences of not having a will, don’t know the cost of legal documents, don’t know a good attorney or don’t understand legal language.  Come learn how to formulate a great estate plan.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 11

The Senior Center will host a FREE Medicare 101 “The Basics” class at 10:00am on Oct. 11th.  The class will give you a better understanding of the Medicare basics, what it covers, and what you may need.  This class will benefit anyone new to Medicare.  Space is limited.  Please call 758-2883 to register.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 11

If you would like to learn how to properly operate a fire extinguisher, join CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) at the Senior Center for this FREE program at 1:00 PM on Oct. 11th.  Call 758-2883 to register.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 11

Do you like to create handmade items?  The Senior Crafters are holding a special afternoon craft class on October 11th from 2:00-4:00 at the Caldwell Senior Center.    Anyone is invited to take part of this FREE creative time.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, Oct. 11

Caldwell County Health Department will be giving flu shots at the Senior Center at 3:00pm on Oct. 11th.  You will need to register and come a few minutes early to complete the consent form.  Don’t forget to bring your Medicare card.  Please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Monday, October 14

Have you wondered how to watch what you eat and figure out what you are actually eating?  The Caldwell Co. Health Dept. will offer this FREE nutrition program at the Senior Center from 3:00-4:00pm to teach how to read food labels, about nutrition in TV dinners, lunch meat and other processed foods and give you low fat & low sugar options.  They will also be discussing food preparation and clean up!  Call 758-2883 to register.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

 Thursday, October 17

Caldwell Partnership for Life’s Journey is starting a new Caregiver Support Group to build a support system with people who understand.  It is a time to share information and coping strategies, talk about feelings and concerns and learn about community resources.  It is held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 6:00-7:30pm at the Caldwell Senior Center.  Dinner will be provided by Hickory Falls Health and Rehabilitation.  Please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 18

Are you or a loved one living with COPD?  If so, please join Brandi Newell, FNP-C, for this FREE program from 10:00-11:00am on Oct. 18th to learn about things you can do to manage symptoms, reduce exacerbations and breathe easier.  Please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 18

The Better Breather’s Club® will meet on October 18th at 11:00am at the Caldwell Senior Center.  This is a local support group that offers patient-centered, and community-based educational opportunities to persons with chronic lung diseases especially COPD, but also asthma, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis [IPF], lung cancer and other chronic lung diseases.  Family, friends and support persons are welcome.  Volunteers facilitate the groups and work with a Lung Association staff member to provide the service.   Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way of Caldwell County Agency.

Friday, October 18

Are you looking for a part time job?  Georgianna Bland will present a FREE program at 1:00pm on working for the 2020 US Census.  There are all kinds of jobs, great pay, flexible hours, weekly pay and paid training.  If interested, please register by calling 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Monday, October 21

Are you a homeowner and want more information on reverse mortgages?  Sarah Stamey, Aging Specialist/Reverse Mortgage Counselor, with the Western Piedmont Area Council on Aging will present a FREE program from 3:00-4:30pm at the Senior Center.  You will learn about what a reverse mortgage is, eligibility, how much can be borrowed and what payment options are available to you.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, October 25

The Caldwell Co. Dept. of Social Services (DSS) receives and evaluates reports of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults as required by law.  Do you know when and how to make a report?  Join Beverly Ruppard with the Adult Services Team at DSS for this FREE program at the Senior Center at 10:00am on Oct. 25th as she discusses the basics of Adult Protective Services (APS).  She will explain the criteria of being a disabled adult, allegations and if the person is in need of protection.  Please register at 758-2883.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Senior Community Partners,

650A Pennton Ave SW, Lenoir (828) 758-2883

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