Upcoming Caldwell Senior Center Events

LENOIR, NC (November 21, 2019) — Here are the upcoming Caldwell Senior Center events for the month of December…

Friday, December 6
VAYA Health’s Geriatric and Adult Mental Health Specialty Team will be at the Caldwell Senior Center to present two FREE programs.  At 10:00am they will talk about “Anxiety:  Calming the Anxious Mind” followed by “Coping with Anxiety:  Medications and More” at 11:00am.  Community individuals, agency staff serving the aged, caregivers and anyone interested in learning about these topics are encouraged to attend.  Please call 758-2883 to register.  The Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Tuesday, December 10
Loss of balance and posture can be a painful drag on our physical wellbeing as well as limit quality of life.  Join Yoga Therapist, Ellen Crider, for 90 minutes of instructional fun at the senior center on Dec. 10th from 3:00-4:30pm.  You will learn about and practice balance and posture.  Refreshments and a prize drawing are included.  There is a $12 fee with $2 going to the senior center.  There is no prior yoga experience necessary to attend.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Friday, December 13
Join McDonald’s at the Caldwell Senior Center for Bingo from 10:00-11:00am!  There will be prize giveaways with each winning card.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Friday, December 13
Cassie Wilhelm (M.S., CCC-SLP) with Lenoir Healthcare will be at the Caldwell Senior Center on Dec. 13th at 1:00 to do a FREE program called “Dementia Management” about dementia vs. mild cognitive impairment.  She will discuss signs and symptoms, types of dementia, the role of therapy, caregiver tips and resources.  Please call 758-2883 to register.  (Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Friday, December 13
Do you like to create handmade items?  The Senior Crafters are holding a special afternoon craft class on December 13th from 2:00-4:00 at the Caldwell Senior Center.    Anyone is invited to take part of this FREE creative time.  Please register at (828) 758-2883.  The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Tuesday, December 17
Are you looking for a part time job?  Georgianna Bland will present a FREE program at 1:00pm on working for the 2020 US Census.  There are all kinds of jobs, great pay, flexible hours, weekly pay and paid training.  If interested, please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Thursday, December 19
Caldwell County has a Caregiver Support Group that meets on the 3rd Thursday evening of each month.  The next meeting is Dec. 19th from 6:00-7:30pm.  It is a time to share information and coping strategies, talk about feelings and concerns and learn about community resources.  Dinner will be provided by Hickory Falls Health and Rehabilitation.  Please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Friday, December 20
The Caldwell Senior Center will host our annual Christmas Party and Ugly Sweater Contest on Dec. 20th at 1:00pm.  Bring a snack to share and expect to laugh.  Dig out or create your tackiest/ugliest Christmas sweater to wear if you want to participate in the contest.  A prize basket donated by Brookdale of Lenoir will be awarded to the winner. Please register by calling (828) 758-2883.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Friday, December 27
Join the Caldwell Senior Center staff for a fun game of Holiday Pictionary on Dec. 27th at 10:00am.  This is a guaranteed time of fun and laughs as your team tries to draw holiday themed words!  Please call (828) 758-2883 to register.  (The Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.)

Caldwell Senior Center is a United Way participating agency.

Senior Community Partners, caldwellseniors@gmail.com

650A Pennton Ave SW, Lenoir (828) 758-2883