Town of Hudson Spring Dinner Theatre
HUDSON, NC (February 7, 2020) — The Town of Hudson announces that the cast has been selected and that tickets are now on sale for the Spring Southern Comedy Dinner Theatre Production of “The Dixie Swim Club.” The play will be presented on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 26th, 27th, 28th and April 2nd, 3rd and 4th at the HUB Station, 145 Cedar Valley Road, Hudson. “The Dixie Swim Club” tells the story of 5 college swim teammates who, after graduation, get together every year for a long weekend at a beach cottage on the North Carolina Outer Banks. The story carries them through 55 years of friendship, with both hilarious and touching moments. Director Keith Smith says, “This show is written by the prolific team of playwrights, Wooten, Hope and Jones. They have written 20 plays over the last 15 years and are the most widely produced playwrights in America. In my opinion, this is their strongest script.” The caterer for the play is Hog Wild Barbecue, who will serve a meal of smoked chicken, city ham, green beans, whole potatoes, slaw, rolls and assorted cakes. Tickets are $30.25 for dinner and the show, $15.25 for the show only and may be purchased in one of three ways. You can go by the HUB Station Box Office, 145 Cedar Valley Road, call (828) 726-8871 or go online at