HICKORY, NC (March 23, 2020) — Three new cases of COVID-19 have been identified in Catawba County, bringing the county’s current total of cases to four. Catawba County Public Health received the positive test results Monday morning and immediately began investigating.
Two cases are from contact with known cases elsewhere. The cause of the third is still under investigation. All three individuals are isolated at home and are doing well.
Public Health is working to identify close contacts who may be affected and is advising them on appropriate monitoring and testing on a case-by-case basis.
The CDC defines close contact as being within approximately 6 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for 10 minutes or longer. Based on information provided by the individuals, Public Health is assessing the risk of exposure to others and will determine which, if any, additional protective measures are needed. Protective measures may include temperature and symptom checks, quarantine and/or testing.
Because COVID-19 is most commonly spread through respiratory droplets, residents should take the following steps to prevent the spread of respiratory illness, including COVID-19:
Symptoms of coronavirus include fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Individuals experiencing these symptoms are encouraged to contact their healthcare provider immediately.
It is important to make sure the information you are getting about COVID-19 is coming directly from reliable sources like the CDC and NCDHHS. For more information, visit the CDC’s website at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus and NCDHHS’ website at www.ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus, which will also include information about future positive COVID-19 test results in North Carolina. If you have questions regarding COVID-19, call 1-866-462-3821 or NC 2-1-1.
Catawba County Public Health promotes and protects the health of all Catawba County residents through preventive services, innovative partnerships, and community health improvement initiatives. For more information, please call (828) 695-5800 or visit www.catawbacountync.gov/phealth.
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