Stocking of the Old Mill Pond may begin next week
GRANITE FALLS, NC (February 28, 2018)…The North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission plans to stock 10,000 fingerling Bluegill and Redear Sunfish next week into the Old Mill Pond in Granite Falls, North Carolina. This will be round one of a staggered stocking to repopulate the lake with sportfish. Later in the Spring they will stock some adult Largemouth Bass and sunfish from surrounding waterways, and then next year they will stock fingerling Largemouth Bass.
The fingerlings are coming from the Watha State Fish Hatchery which just north of Wilmington, North Carolina…a six-hour trip. We have been told that they are scheduled to stock the Old Mill Pond on Monday, March 5th and will also be making a trip up to Beech Mountain.