State Highway Patrol Releases I-40 Challenge Results

RALEIGH, NC (November 28, 2017)…As this year’s Thanksgiving Holiday season came to an end, troopers were out in full force to monitor traffic violations in hopes of reducing motor vehicle collisions.  In support of this effort, the State Highway Patrol partnered with eight other states across the nation, participating in the 2017 I-40 Challenge.

This initiative placed troopers every 20 miles along the major interstate during the most heavily traveled periods throughout the holiday.  The operation was held from 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 22 and from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, November 26.  The campaign focused on the reduction of fatal collisions along the I-40 corridor, which coincides with the Vision Zero initiative.

Troopers not assigned to work the I-40 campaign monitored other major interstates and secondary roadways.  While the I-40 Challenge initiative focused on crash reduction two days throughout the holiday period, the Vision Zero initiative will continue throughout the rest of the year.


Statewide Statistics/All Roadways

•           Total Fatal Collisions – 16

•           DWI Arrest – 445

•           Seatbelt Violations – 2547

•           Speeding Violations – 10,518

•           Move Over Violations – 50

•           Total Citations Issued – 24,614


I-40 Challenge Statewide Statistics/ I-40 Corridor

•           Total Fatal Collisions – 0

•           DWI Arrest – 5

•           Seatbelt Violations – 107

•           Moving Violations – 762

•           Non-Moving Violations – 329

•           Total Citations Issued – 1,163