Special Enrollment Circumstances Available for Individual Health Insurance

LENOIR, NC (December 15, 2018) — The deadline to enroll for Annual Enrollment was Dec 15th, but there are still other opportunities for enrollment in an ACA Individual Health plan referred to as Special Enrollments.  You can still qualify for a plan if you have a Special Enrollment circumstance such as:

Turning age 26 and aging off a parent’s plan, moving, marriage, divorce, having a baby or adopting a child, loss of Medicaid, loss of CHIP, loss of Employer coverage, and so on.  Going through the Marketplace (where on or off Marketplace) is the only way to secure Individual Health Major Medical coverage in our area.

While there are other plans that advertise as “Major Medical” they are actually plans with limitations on coverage such as pre-existing conditions or a dollar amount limit on what’s covered or even ones that are funded by other customers enrolled in the same type of plan.

Enrolling in an ACA Major Medical Individual Health ensures that you have no pre-existing conditions and no policy maximums on total dollar amount covered.  You cannot be turned down based on your health for an ACA Individual Health plan if you qualify for a Special Enrollment.

Bush and Associates are experts with assisting customers with the tedious Healthcare.gov enrollment process in order to select a plan that suits their budgets and health insurance needs.  They have been helping with enrollments since the individual health insurance part of the Affordable Care Act for the individual went into effect in 2013.

Please contact Bush and Associates at (828) 754-2601 or email quotes@bushandassociates.net today for more information.  You can also visit their website at: www.mynchealthplan.com or find them on

Facebook:  @bushassociates

~Laura Sedlacek is an Agent with Bush and Associates located in Lenoir at 916 Wilkesboro Blvd.