School Buses Remain On the Road – Watch for Stops!
RALEIGH, NC (March 17, 2020) — While schools are closed to students, yellow school buses remain in operation in many areas of the state, delivering meals and instructional materials to students.
This includes Caldwell County…
Watch for yellow buses making stops on the road and follow the school bus stop-arm law that requires each motorist to bring their vehicle to a stop and remain stopped until the red lights are deactivated and the bus begins moving.
Please also watch for adult and child pedestrians traveling during different times of the day than usual. Those same students who would be walking to and from school bus stops when schools are in session may now be walking to school bus stops to receive much needed nutrition and educational support during this state of emergency.
Do your part to keep them safe!
Drive responsibly, avoid distractions and focus on the road, and STOP for school buses!