SCCM to celebrate opening of new Food Pantry
GRANITE FALLS, NC (June 13, 2017)…We welcome everyone to come celebrate the opening of our new food pantry. Many of you have been instrumental in helping finance the construction, given us of your time to allow us to grow our food ministry, and/or have become a regular volunteer in the food pantry. We could not do what we do without the support of the area grants we have received, the support of our community and our churches. THANK YOU!
Please join us to celebrate the completion of the new home of our food pantry. Open house will take place on Saturday, June 24, 2017 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at South Caldwell Christian Ministries. Cake and punch will be served. Hamburgers, hotdogs and funnel cakes will be sold.
A SCCM Press Release.