Reunion for Granite Falls High School students and teachers

GRANITE FALLS, NC (April 3, 2018)…The Fifth Annual Dining with the Demons (DWTD) will be held Saturday, May 5, 2018 at the Caldwell County Fairgrounds on Hwy 321 in Lenoir.  Doors will open at 11 a. m.  Lunch will begin at noon.  The event is a reunion for Granite Falls High School alumni, teachers, and their guests. There is no charge, but attendees should bring a covered dish or two for the potluck meal.  To help defray expenses, organizers are accepting donations, conducting a raffle, and selling GFHS logo t-shirts and caps.   Orders for logo items will be taken through Sunday, April 15th.

For more information, check out the Dining with the Demons 2018 Facebook page or call Carolyn Whisnant at 828-381-9597.  You may also inquire at Terry’s Insurance located in the Granite Falls Drug Center Building on Falls Avenue in Granite Falls.

Press Release courtesy of Linda Crowder