Regular phone lines temporarily out of service at Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office…911 not effected
CALDWELL COUNTY, NC (December 4, 2016)…The administrative phone lines at the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office and the Telecommunications Center are temporarily out of service. The phone numbers affected are
828-758-2324 and 828-757-1400.
–911 Emergency Phone Lines Not Effected–
The 911 Emergency phone lines are NOT affected by the outage and are in regular working order.
While citizens are usually not encouraged to call 911 for administrative or routine phone calls to the Sheriff’s office, they are encouraged to call 911 for all their needs until the regular phone lines are back in service.
Telecommunications staff are currently working with service providers to get the regular phone numbers back into service. An announcement will be made as soon as the administrative phone lines are back in service.