Public meeting for Hickory Trail projects
HICKORY, NC (February 25, 2020) — The N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT), in cooperation with the City of Hickory, will hold a public meeting to discuss two projects related to the Hickory Trail on Thursday, March 5, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Winkler Activity Building beside L.P. Frans Stadium, located at 2500 Clement Boulevard NW.
The projects include the construction of a pedestrian bridge and trail across U.S. 321 to the Hickory Regional Airport, and the City Walk’s 11th Street connector to the Old Lenoir Walk (Old Lenoir Road multi-use trail).
These projects will provide designated space for bicycles and pedestrians to further offer connectivity and safety throughout the City of Hickory. Roadways in the project areas will also be resurfaced and upgraded to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards.
Community members are invited to attend any time during the open house event. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and listen to comments regarding the projects. The opportunity to submit comments will also be provided at the meeting, or via phone, email, or mail by March 19. Comments received will be taken into consideration as the projects develop. Please note that no formal presentation will be made.
NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this meeting. Anyone requiring special services should contact Diane Wilson at or (919) 707-6073 as early as possible so that arrangements can be made.
For additional information, please contact Jimmy Terry, P.E. (NCDOT Consultant TGS Engineers) at (704) 476-0003, ext. 314, or