One year ago, a massive fire consumed one of the Old Shuford Mill buildings in Granite Falls
GRANITE FALLS, NC (July 21, 2018) — On Friday, July 21, 2017 an intense fire consumed one of the century old Shuford Mill buildings in downtown Granite Falls, North Carolina. The building and its contents were a complete loss. Amazingly and thankfully no one was injured, and no lives were lost.

All Caldwell County Fire Departments along with the Caldwell County Fire Marshall’s Office, Caldwell County EMS and the Granite Falls Police Department fought valiantly to fight the fire and to protect all surrounding properties and families. Fire Departments from Alexander, Burke, Catawba and Wilkes counties were also called upon to assist with battling the fire (we were told that there were 22 fire departments). The American Red Cross also supported the efforts.
The cause of the fire still remains unknown. Investigators were unable to pinpoint the exact cause of the fire. All that remains is brick, metal and white ash…