One – Opportunities, Networking, and Education youth leadership for eighth graders

LENOIR, NC (October 4, 2019) — Middle school students aspire to greater heights of leadership and career development through the ONE Leadership Program – Opportunities, Networking, and Education – coordinated by the Caldwell County Schools, Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute and the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce.

“This is an opportunity to look forward into the future,” said Bryan Moore, President and CEO of the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. “We want to show these students the multiple levels of career options that are available here in Caldwell County.”

The leadership development class has grown from 24 in the 2018-2019 school year to 28 students per semester, totaling 56 this school year. Eighth graders are selected to participate because they start making course selections for high school career and academic pathways by this spring.

Each middle school in the district participates in the program and school counselors select students who would benefit by being exposed to a variety of businesses in Caldwell County that require different levels of education, experience, and abilities for employment.

“They will learn strategic leadership skills that will help them become better informed and educated in developing their career path,” said Superintendent Dr. Donald Phipps.

During the ONE Leadership Program students will tour facilities and learn of the professional needs at Blue Ridge Energy, MDI, UNC Healthcare, and Stallergenes Greer. Students will also be involved in soft skills training and leadership development.

“This is a unique experience for our future leaders,” said Dr. Jeff Church, Co-Facilitator and Associate Superintendent of the Caldwell County Schools. “These students will become ambassadors for youth leadership development in Caldwell County.”