One new case of Covid-19 identified in Catawba County (total 28)
HICKORY, NC (April 8, 2020) — One new case of COVID-19 has been identified in Catawba County, bringing the county’s total number of residents who have tested positive to 28. We have received 446 negative test results.
The county’s total case number is based on COVID-19 test results. Not all cases of COVID-19 are tested, so this does not represent the total number of people who have or had COVID-19.
Because community spread is occurring locally and across North Carolina, all residents are urged to stay home and avoid contact with others to the extent possible.
Catawba County case and testing numbers are updated by 1 p.m. daily on the Catawba County website at
Case Investigations Ongoing
Public Health is investigating confirmed cases to identify close contacts who may be affected. Close contact is defined as being within approximately 6 feet of a person infected with COVID-19 for 10 minutes or longer, according to the CDC.
Public Health is assessing the risk of exposure to others and is advising them on appropriate monitoring, testing, and additional protective measures on a case-by-case basis. Protective measures may include temperature and symptom checks, quarantine and/or testing.
Updated Guidance
The best way to stay healthy is to stay at home. If you need to go out for essentials, covering your face is one tool to help stop the spread of this virus. A surgical mask is not necessary and those should be reserved for health care providers. Instead, the CDC recommends using a fabric face covering for people who can’t stay at home and who are going to a place where social distancing isn’t possible, such as the pharmacy or grocery store. Do not let a face covering provide a false sense of security – they are not replacements for social distancing and hand washing. They can also make it more likely to spread germs if they are not put on or taken off properly, so use them with caution. Remember: A face covering is not to protect you from others. It’s to protect others from germs you may be carrying. More information: