LENOIR, NC (October 1, 2018) — Here are the October Gardening Tips from the Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Center.
Plants in Flower
- Aster, Goldenrod, Chrysanthemum, and Franklinia
Plants with Colorful Berries
- American Beauty Berry, Burford Holly, Chinese Holly, Foster Holly, Nellie Stevens Holly, Nandina, Pyracantha, and Washington Hawthorn
- Fertilize spring flowering bulbs at planting time with a balanced fertilizer.
- Soil samples are free until after Thanksgiving.
- Plant spring flowering bulbs like daffodil, tulip, crocus and hyacinth this month.
- October is a good time to set out new landscape plants.
- Plant or transplant peonies this month.
- Continue planting pansy plants now.
- If you do not have a fall vegetable garden, plant cover crops like annual rye, barley and wheat.
- You can start salad vegetables in a cold frame and enjoy them all winter. Plant lettuce, green onions, carrots, radishes, and most leafy greens inside the cold frame.
- Many evergreens may be planted this month.
- Cut back herbaceous perennials after frost has killed the tops.
- Rootprune any trees or plants you plan to move next spring.
- Remove all damaged or dead wood from trees.
- Control the following woody weeds by spraying the recommended herbicide: trumpet creeper and blackberry.
- Store your garden pesticides in a secured, dry location that will not freeze.
Lawn Care
- Keep newly seeded areas watered.
- Keep tree leaves from collecting on your lawn.
- You can still seed fescue and bluegrass early in October.
- Remember to check the cuttings you put in a coldframe for winter. This should be done twice a month. Water as needed.
Specific Chores
- Take soil samples from your plant beds and vegetable garden for testing.
- Start filling your compost bin as leaves begin to fall.
- If you have not or do not plan to plant a cover crop, you can till organic material like tree leaves into your vegetable garden soil.
- Dig and store summer bulbs like gladioli, dahlia and caladium before frost.
- Dig sweet potatoes this month before frost kills the plants.
- Spring flowering bulbs can be forced to flower in the dead of winter. Just pot the bulbs early this month and place inside your refrigerator. In twelve weeks take them out into the warmth of your home.
- Continue to prepare your lawn and garden equipment for winter storage.
- Store leftover fertilizers in a dry location for use next spring.
- Make sure the birds have food, shelter and water.