Newcomers of Catawaba Valley Elect Officers and Plan for New Year
HICKORY, NC (March 12, 2017)…At the March general meeting of Newcomers of Catawba Valley members present elected officers for the new organizational year beginning April 1, 2017 and discussed activities and projects from the year ending and ideas for the the year.
Officers elected were: President: Carol Hoover; Vice President: Joe Paussa; Treasurer: Vince LeGrand; Secretary: Francine Gissy; Past President: Dianne Straley; Directors: Denise Bukovan, Adra Kryszcuk, Bob Jones, and Shari Kidd.
In the discussions following the election it was noted that during the year just ending 67 different members had volunteered in the organization in some way, including holding office, directing and/or coordinating events and activities. Regular group activities include Mah Jong, Bridge, Dominoes, Bowling, Shooting, Game Nights/dinners, Game Day/lunch, Rummikub, Canasta/lunch, Coffee and Conversation and planned group excursions as well as regularly scheduled, often-themed, socials. Participants were encouraged to suggest additional activities and to volunteer to assist/coordinate new and ongoing activities.
Monthly meetings are usually held at the Hickory Regional Airport at 10:30 am on the second Wednesday of every month. Variations in that schedule as well as the calendar of activities and special events are current on the organization’s web site.
Newcomers of Catawba Valley is primarily a social organization which enables new and long-time residents of the region to meet and make friends and participate in a variety of social activities, including support of area charities and service programs. There are no limits on how long members may choose to participate and no restrictions on gender for participation. For information about Newcomers of Catawba Valley see

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