LENOIR, NC (March 2, 2017)…March Gardening Tips from the Caldwell County Center of the NC Cooperative Extension.
• Prune spring flowering plants like breath-of-Spring (Winter Honeysuckle) and flowering quince after the flowers fade.
• Prune roses late in March.
• Prune shrubs like abelia, mahonia and nandina this month if needed.
• Pick off faded flowers of pansy and daffodil. Pansies will flower longer if old flowers are removed.
• Overgrown shrubs can be severely pruned (not needled evergreens).
• Spray the following landscape shrubs for the following insect pests: euonymus-scale, juniper-spruce spider mites and hybrid rhododendron-borer.
• Start your rose spray program just prior to bud break.
• Spray your apple and pear trees with streptomycin for control of fireblight while the trees are in bloom.
Lawn Care
• Cool-season lawns may be fertilized with 10-10-10, but NOT with slow-release fertilizer. Apply recommended soil test rates. Do not fertilize tall fescue after mid March.
• Apply crabgrass herbicides to your lawn late this month to help control crabgrass in the turf.
• Mow your tall fescue lawn as needed. Mow lawn at height of 3 inches.
• Seed fescue and bluegrass if not done in September.
• Continue to divide perennials like daylilies, shasta daisy, gaillardia and coreopsis this month.
Specific Chores
• Check garden supplies like fertilizer, insecticides and fungicides to see if you have adequate amounts.
• Check all garden equipment, lawn mowers, tillers, hedge trimmers, tools, hoses and sprayers to see if they are in find working order before they are needed.
• Be certain that old plantings of perennials like peony, hollyhock and phlox are clean of last season’s growth.
Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Website
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