Local residents donate Purple Heart Flag to City of Lenoir on National Purple Heart Day
LENOIR, NC (August 9, 2024) ⇒ Jimmie and Sharon Bryant donated a new Purple Heart Flag to the City of Lenoir on National Purple Heart Day, Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024. Staff raised the new flag at the City’s Veterans Memorial in Downtown Lenoir.
Sharon Bryant presented the flag to City of Lenoir Mayor Joe Gibbons at the Caldwell Heritage Museum Wednesday. Jimmie was wounded by a landmine while serving in Vietnam. He’s a lifetime member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart and Sharon is a lifetime member of the Military Order of the Purple Heart Auxiliary.

Mayor Gibbons said he appreciated the donation and the sacrifices of all the Veterans in Lenoir and Caldwell County who have served the country.
“We are so very thankful to Jimmie and Sharon and all the veterans and their families,” Mayor Gibbons said. “The Bryant’s donated our first Purple Heart flag, and we are honored by the donation of a new flag. We are proud to fly the flag in our Veterans Memorial in Downtown Lenoir.”
Caldwell Heritage Museum Director Cindy Day participated in the presentation as well. Day’s deceased husband, Jack Day, was also a Purple Heart Medal recipient.
Lenoir became one of the first states in western North Carolina designated as a Purple Heart City. The City has flown both a POW flag and the Purple Heart flag at the Veterans Memorial for decades.
The Purple Heart Medal is awarded to members of the armed forces of the U.S. who are wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy and to the next of kin in the name of those who are killed in action or die of wounds received in action. It is a combat decoration. Click the following link to learn more about the Purple Heart Medal, www.purpleheart.org.