LENOIR, NC (February 28, 2017)…Horse and other equine animal owners/lessors will vote across the state on March 08, 2017 to determine whether to continue to voluntarily assess themselves four dollars ($4.00) per ton of commercial horse feed in order to provide funds to promote the interests of the horse industry.
Seth Nagy, County Extension Director, says the vote in Caldwell County will take place at the Caldwell County Extension Center from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Any North Carolina resident who has reached his/her 9th birthday as of January 1, 2017 and who has complete or partial ownership or lease of an equine (horse, pony, mule, donkey or hinny) is eligible to vote. Individuals must sign a statement certifying eligibility at time of voting.
Since many horse owners work away from home during business hours, a provision has been made for absentee voting. Between the dates of February 20–March 08, horse owners may request a ballot and absentee registration form by calling the Caldwell Extension Center at 828-757-1290. These ballots must be returned to the Extension Center by 5:00 pm on March 08 to be counted.
If the vote is favorable on March 09, the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will continue to receive the assessment funds from manufacturers and/or distributors of horse feed, and will remit the money to the NC Horse Council. The Horse Council has indicated that the funds will be used for 4-H and other youth and educational programs, trails advocacy, equine research, representation of horse interests in government, marketing programs, enforcement of horse laws, and improved public awareness of diseases and other threats to horses’ well-being.
Many other agricultural commodities have similar voluntary assessment programs. Horsemen may receive a refund of the assessment by writing to the NC Horse Council within a year of purchase and including proof of purchase.
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