Hibriten plans memorial service
LENOIR, NC (November 30, 2017)…Funeral arrangements for Wesley Oliver, sophomore at Hibriten High School, who was fatally wounded in a car accident on Tuesday, Nov. 28 near the school entrance, will be held at Greer-McElveen Funeral Home in Lenoir:
Saturday, Dec. 2, from 5 to 8 pm – Receiving Family and Friends
Sunday, Dec. 3, 2 pm – Funeral
Hibriten High School has organized a Wesley Oliver fund to help the family with funeral costs and throughout the district tomorrow, students will show remembrance of Wesley’s life by wearing Carolina Panther blue, his favorite color.
A student memorial service will be held at Hibriten High School on Tuesday, Dec. 5 at 2:10 pm in the gymnasium.
“This young man was part of our Hibriten family and the loss has been grievous to bear, but we have felt the unifying love and support from many businesses, schools and families throughout the county,” said Principal David Colwell. “We have been brought together, to lean on each other and to be lifted up. We express a heart full of gratitude from all at Hibriten High and the family of Wesley Oliver.”