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Great Opportunities for Caldwell Farmers & Farm Friends

CALDWELL COUNTY, NC (June 1, 2017)…The Caldwell County Cooperative Extension has many great opportunities for Caldwell Farmers & Farm Friends.

Caldwell Seed Library Opening
Saturday, June 3, 2017- 10:00am

Where: Caldwell County Public Library

Hello friends, neighbors, and volunteers!

Join us as we celebrate the grand opening of Caldwell County’s first seed library!

What is a seed library? In simple terms, a seed library is just how it sounds – it loans seeds to gardeners. The seed library is a place where gardeners can share and gain knowledge, and a place where our community can preserve our locally-adapted crops. A seed library works much like a traditional library. Members check out seeds and return properly saved seed to replenish the library. The Caldwell Seed Library is conveniently located in the Caldwell County Library in Lenoir, NC.

The Caldwell Seed Library is a community effort and has been organized by the Caldwell Public Library and NC Cooperative Extension Caldwell County Center. Many volunteers, Master Gardeners, and library and Cooperative Extension staff have been instrumental in its organization. We are proud to offer several varieties of corn and crowder peas that have been passed down for generations in Caldwell County families.

Want to know more? Join us at our kick off and chat with our staff and volunteers.

The event will begin with a ribbon cutting ceremony and a guided “walk-through” of using the Caldwell Seed Library.

Hope to see you there!

Cost: Free

Landscape Design Workshop
Thursday, June 8, 2017- 1:30pm-4:30pm

Where: Ag Center/Caldwell County Public Library

Come learn about landscape design and go through the process of drafting your own landscape! Donna Teasley, Horticulture Extension Agent in Burke County will be teaching.

Pre-registration is required. To register, please email or call 828-757-1290.

Event is free and open to the public- Limit 25

Summer Exploring is Here!

All the summer exploring camps are all full except Soy Day. If your child is interested in attending Soy Day, please contact our office. It is a free one day camp on July 26th 10:30am-2pm.

Summer Exploring Kick Off- Saturday June 10th 10am-12pm at the Lenoir Public Library
Cloverbud Camp- June 12-14
Junior Camp- June 12-15
Millstone 4-H Camp Trip- June 18-23
4-H in the Woods June 29-30

4-H Congress
July 29th-August 1st 2017

Where- NC State University, Raleigh NC

Age 13-18 years old (age as of January 1st 2017)

North Carolina 4-H Congress is an annual educational event sponsored by North Carolina 4-H at NC State University and planned by the State 4-H Council. The council is composed of 20 young people who serve as officers from their respective districts and 4 state officers who are elected at Congress. NC 4-H Congress will be attended by approximately 600 youth ranging in age from 13 to 18 and representing every county in North Carolina.

If you have a child interested or have further questions please Charlie
Godfrey at 757.1257 or Deadline to sign your child up to attend is June 15th.

Integrated Pest Management
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Where: FIG (Farmer Incubator & Grower Project) and Waxwing Farm-Dutch Creek Road, Valle Crucis 28604

By late June, many High Country fruit and vegetable crops are approaching maturity or yielding harvests. But diseases, insects, and weeds are also on the march. On Sunday, June 25, 2017 at 4:30 PM join NC Cooperative Extension Agents Richard Boylan and Eli Snyder, along with FIG farmers Frankie Mangogna and Kathleen Petermann of Waxwing Farm for a CRAFT workshop on crops and scouting for weed, disease, and insect pressures. Threshold levels for taking action on farms and organic options for control will be discussed in this interactive workshop. A potluck dinner will follow.

FIG Farm stands for Farmer Incubator and Grower Farm and is designed to provide beginning farmers with a relatively low-risk entry avenue for new producers by providing land, production and marketing infrastructure to help farmers establish lasting farm enterprises in the High Country. For more information please email

RSVP here.

One 4-Her Needed: 4-H Youth Voice Event
August 11th-12th 2017

Where- Durham, NC

Age 14-18 years old (age as of January 1st 2017)

We are excited to be partnering again with the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) for the 8th year to host Youth Voice! Youth Voice will be held August 11-12 in Durham County. Activities will take place at the Durham downtown Marriott and Convention Center. One youth (ages 14-18) per county as well as lead adults are invited to attend this event. It should be the youth delegates first time to attend this event. There will be some activities that the 4-Her chosen to represent our county will need to complete before attending the event. The 4-Her who represents our county at this event will be chosen based on who can be a good representative of our county and who will benefit from this experience.

If you have a teen interested or have further questions please contact Charlie Godfrey at 757.1257 or Deadline to register is June 26th.

Caldwell Beekeepers Association
3rd Thursday of each month- 6:30pm – 7:30pm

Where: Ag Center/ Caldwell County Library-various rooms

Monthly county beekeepers meeting. For more information contact Patrick Muldoon at 828.754-4425 or Danny Jaynes 919-567-9568 for more information.

To go to CCNCBA’s Facebook page click here.

Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Center

Published by
Caldwell County Cooperative Extension Center

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