Grassroots Grants applications available
LENOIR, NC (August 23, 2018) — Grassroots Grant applications are currently being accepted for arts projects taking place in fiscal year 2018-2019. Following is the link to the application: – look under the heading “Grassroots Arts Subgranting Tools.”
Grassroots Grants, a program of the North Carolina Arts Council, is administered in Caldwell County by the Caldwell Arts Council. Last year, over $12,000 was distributed to Caldwell County non-profit groups for community arts projects and events.
Grassroots Grants have been supporting projects and organizations in Caldwell County for more than twenty years. Any non-profit group doing arts programs and projects may apply.
Grassroots grants are matching grants that must be matched dollar for dollar and will be disbursed quarterly or biannually.
The project must be relevant to the arts at the community level. Credit must be given to the North Carolina Arts Council in any printed information or news releases. A final report is required at the completion of the project.
Applications should include a cover letter, application form, and budget. Applicants are wanted from all areas of Caldwell County in all disciplines of the arts. Applications will be accepted at the Caldwell Arts Council, 601 College Avenue (PO Box 1613) Lenoir NC 28645 through 5pm Friday, August 31, 2018.
The Caldwell Arts Council presents the arts in all its forms to Caldwell County residents and visitors. Located at 601 Caldwell Arts Council in Lenoir, the arts council is open Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm and Saturdays 10am-2pm, free to the public.