GRANITE FALLS, NC (January 20, 2020) — Take what you need, bring what you can!
That’s the simple rule for the Caldwell County Care & Share Blessing Box Project that launched in November 2019, when Granite Falls resident Susan Woodie decided to give to the less fortunate. Woodie stated, “I wanted to find a way to help those less fortunate.”
Woodie said she was inspired to help those in need due to the food insecurities for many in our community. “The blessing boxes are a way we all can give or donate food and personal care products for those in need.”
Hudson resident Mike Fox, co-owner of 321 Radiator, is Philadelphia Lutheran Church’s representative to aid in growing this new ministry and supporting the Care & Share Blessing Box Project. Mike is the production manager for the project. He transports the boxes to his shop where the transformation begins, turning dirty boxes into bright, attractive, food pantries ready for our new sponsors/locations.
The goal is to place and maintain Care & Share Blessing Boxes all over Caldwell County. Blessing boxes are stocked with non-perishable food items, basic toiletries, baby supplies, and anything else that might be considered a blessing to someone who finds themselves in need.
Suggested items: breakfast bars, Pop tarts, mac and cheese, instant potatoes, canned meats, canned corn, tomato sauce, canned fruits, low-sodium soups, pasta and pasta sauces, low-sodium mixed vegetables, canned chili, diced tomatoes, rice and brown beans in 1-pound bags, peanut butter and jelly, granola bars, oatmeal, applesauce, fruit cups, raisins and shelf-stable milk, etc.
Easy open pop top canned items are preferred.
Remember when donating food to these boxes during freezing temperatures do NOT place any liquids or foods which can burst or bulge cans.
Personal products such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, small shampoo, bar soap, deodorant, and lotion along with other seasonal items such as rain ponchos and Hand and toe warmers are needed.
The Care & Share Blessing Box Project asks you to donate items that are in date, with labels intact and with packaging that is not damaged.
Studies show adults with food insecurity will skip meals or reduce their portions to provide for children in their homes as they wait for pay day. Many food insecure families do not qualify for the assistance of food banks or are hesitant to turn to food banks for assistance due to the stigma. One “bad month” can be enough to plunge a household into food insecurity. Lay-offs at work, unexpected car maintenance, unforeseen medical bills, or an accident on the job can suddenly force a family to choose between buying food and paying bills.
Anyone can donate directly anytime to the boxes. Sponsors for more locations and food drives are needed from our community businesses, churches, and organizations. Food drives help sponsors keep the boxes filled with different types of items when monitoring their boxes.
Woodie said Caldwell County currently has three Blessings Boxes (soon to be four), each with a sponsor. The sponsors manage the donations for the box, filling it as needed or storing extra items if capacity is an issue.
Woodie hopes to have Blessing Boxes throughout Caldwell County.
If you would like to sponsor a new Care & Share Blessing Box location or food drive, please contact our Care & Share Blessing Box Project Facebook page or contact us at
Thank you to those in the community who have given and left food in the boxes!! Giving to those less fortunate warms your ❤️!!
November 11, 2019
1st Care & Share Blessing Box location.
It is located in the lower part of the church parking lot.
Philadelphia Lutheran Church
Sponsor – Philadelphia Lutheran Church
52 Pinewood Road
Granite Falls, NC 28630
December 6, 2019
2nd Care & Share Blessing Box location.
Sponsor – Scout Troop #264
Commerce Street
Granite Falls, NC 28630
December 27, 2019
3rd Care & Share Blessing Box location.
Sponsor – Scout Troop #263
Community Scouting Center
102 Church Street
Rhodhiss, NC 28667
Location #4 coming soon…
Care & Share Blessing Box Project Facebook Page
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