Girl Scout Council offers virtual summer camp

COLFAX, NC (May 28, 2020) — Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont (GSCP2P) is continuing to keep girls connected and engaged throughout the summer by offering virtual camp sessions during the months of June and July.

GSCP2P knows there are many things that make the camp setting special and are preparing to give girls a virtual experience in a weekly, small-group setting where girls will learn together while doing activities independently, or with family, away from the screen. The sessions will differ from what students have been doing as part of distance learning in that programming will be very interactive between the counselors and girls.

“We know that our girls look forward to summer camp with great anticipation, and, for many, is a tradition they share with family that goes back decades,” said Lane Cook, CEO of GSCP2P. “But after monitoring current health and safety regulations due to COVID-19, we felt that delivering our summer camp programming virtually was the best option for the health and safety of everyone involved. Our counselors are excited to showcase our camps and traditions in this setting.”

Camp programming in June will focus on helping girls feel comfortable in an outdoor setting and expanding on their outdoor skills. July programming will be campsite-specific and include live sessions from GSCP2P camp properties. At the end of the week (and adhering to any state or CDC guidelines at the time), girls and their families will be able to come onto camp property for a day of activities.

GSCP2P virtual summer camp is open to all girls in rising grades 1-12. All camp sessions and additional information can be found at Questions can also be directed to or 800-672-2148.

About Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont
Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont, a United Way agency, is one of 111 councils nationwide chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA to deliver Girl Scout program within specific geographic boundaries. The local council serves nearly 10,000 girls and 5,000 adult volunteers in 40 counties and maintains three camp properties and four service centers offering unique experiences for girls and adults. For more information on how to join, volunteer, reconnect or donate to GSCP2P, call 800-672-2148 or visit

We’re Girl Scouts of the USA
We’re 2.5 million strong —more than 1.7 million girls and 750,000 adults who believe in the power of every G.I.R.L. (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ to change the world. Our extraordinary journey began more than 100 years ago with the original G.I.R.L., Juliette Gordon “Daisy” Low. On March 12, 1912, in Savannah, Georgia, she organized the very first Girl Scout troop, and every year since, we’ve honored her vision and legacy of building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. We’re the preeminent leadership development organization for girls. And with programs from coast to coast and across the globe, Girl Scouts offers every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure and success. To volunteer, reconnect, donate or join, visit

A Girl Scouts Carolinas Peaks to Piedmont Press Release