Gamewell Fire Department Presents “Of the Year” Awards 2017

LENOIR, NC (December 2, 2017)…Gamewell Volunteer Fire Department met for their annual Christmas dinner.  Family and friends enjoyed the meal as well as fellowship.  The following awards were presented: 30 years of service- Asst. Chief Tracy Huffman and Lt. Sam Smith; Firefighter of the Year- JR Hahn; First Responder of the Year- Tracy Hawkins; Officer of the Year- Capt. Alex Smith; Howard Kincaid Award- Jeff Smith and the Chief’s Award was presented to Lt. Randy Faw.  Chief Keith Owens has been with Gamewell Fire Dept for 46 years.  He was presented with a Phenix leather fire helmet with his last name stamped in the back brim in honor of his many years of dedication.  Gamewell Fire/ Rescue has 58 members and they are very involved their community and the community supports the department!!  For 2017, the department has already run over 1,000 calls.  GFD recently had its new Engine 51 in the Lenoir Christmas parade as well as a float.  There were thirty-five participants.

Press release and photos provided by Leslie Hawkins

Left to Right- Lt. Randy Faw, FF JR Hahn, Asst. Chief Tracy Huffman, Chief Keith Owens, Capt. Alex Smith, Lt. Sam Smith and FF Tracy Hawkins (Photo Credit- Leslie Hawkins)


Back row (L-R): Tracy Hawkins, Gavin Sumpter, Jeff Owens, Kevin Story, Kyle Foy, Mark McLean, Gary Dishman, Sabrina Laws, Casey Newton, Trevor Key, Alex Smith, Devin Huffman, JR Hahn, Robert Marsh, Daniel Talladira, Jessie Price, Darin Clark, Jeff Cardwell Middle Row (L-R): Calvin Penny, Ryan Halcomb, Joey Ritch, Buddy Dishman, Jonathan Johnson, Zackary Moody, Tim Greene, Ted Bolick, Greg Bohler, Randy Faw, Jordan Hall, Caleb Triplett, Ethan McLean, John Griffin Front Row (L-R): Annie Bean, Taylor Fredericks, Crystal McCall, Kenny McCall, Tracy Huffman, Preston Hawkins, Chief Keith Owens, Albert Felder, Donnie Stepps, Madison Minton, Sam Smith (Photo Credit- Leslie Hawkins)