Police line
NEWTON, NC (July 26, 2018) — On the afternoon of Tuesday, July 17, 2018, Mr. Kerry Edwin Townsend died during an officer-involved shooting incident that occurred on Zack’s Fork Road in Caldwell County, N.C.
I have carefully reviewed all available evidence pertaining to this matter. The purpose of my review was to determine whether the shooting of Mr. Townsend by law enforcement officers was lawful or unlawful.
The N.C. State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) investigated the above-referenced shooting. The SBI expended a considerable amount of time interviewing the witnesses (both law enforcement and civilian), photographing the scene, collecting items of physical evidence and securing the body camera footage from officers that were present.
The law enforcement officer statements, civilian witness interviews, photographs and physical evidence were consistent. I spent a substantial amount of time personally reviewing the video-taped interviews, photographs, body camera footage and other evidence submitted to me by the SBI. In addition, I observed the wounds to Mr. Townsend’s body. After a review of the evidence in this case, the following facts are apparent:
The United States Supreme Court has addressed the question of the reasonableness of police officers’ use of force. The Court has said, “Reasonableness must embody allowance for the fact that police officers are often forced to make split second judgments - in circumstances that are tense, uncertain and rapidly evolving - about the amount of force that is necessary in a particular situation.” Graham v. Connor, 490 UP.S. 386, 387-98 (1989)
The law in North Carolina recognizes the principle of self-defense, which is the inherent right to use deadly force to protect one’s self or others from death or great bodily harm.
Therefore, based upon applicable law and the facts as reported by eyewitness accounts, corroborated by body camera videos, photographs and the physical evidence, it is my conclusion that the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office SWAT Team officers acted lawfully in shooting Mr. Townsend on July 17, 2018.
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