Changes to Licenses and Fees Take Effect January 2020
RALEIGH, NC (December 20, 2019) — The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) is announcing several changes to its hunting, inland fishing and trapping license structure and associated fees, which are set to go into effect on Jan. 1, 2020.
Specific changes include:
- All licenses that authorize inland fishing will now include the trout privilege.
- All hunting and trapping licenses, with a few exceptions, will include the game lands privilege.
- Establishes a new Resident Lifetime Trapping License.
- Minor license fee adjustments based on the Consumer Price Index.
For more information on all NCWRC licenses, download the Commission’s 2019-2020 North Carolina Inland Fishing, Hunting and Trapping Regulations Digest. To purchase a license, visit or a Wildlife Service Agent.
About the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission
Since 1947, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has been dedicated to the conservation and sustainability of the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use and public input. The Commission is the state regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of fishing, hunting, trapping and boating laws and provides programs and opportunities for wildlife-related educational, recreational and sporting activities.
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