CCHD COVID-19 Update #90 (June 29, 2020)…

LENOIR, NC (June 29, 2020) — Here is the Caldwell County Health Department COVID-19 Update for Monday, June 29, 2020.

Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Recovered Patients Active Patients
410 220 186
Deaths Hospitalized Active




Percentage of Tested Patients Who Are Positive
4 14 1 2 5.8%
Total Tested Total Negative
7068 5948
Confirmed Cases by Zip Code
28645 28638 28630 28611 28601 28667
222 60 107 9 9 3
Confirmed Cases by Age
0-24 25-64 65+
19% 66% 15%
Confirmed Cases by Race
Black White Hispanic Asian
10.94% 65.28% 23.40% 0.38%

Updated 06-29-2020

Eleven COVID-19 cases were reported today in Caldwell County, six were in the 28645 Zip code, one in the 28630, one in the 28611, one in 28667, and two in the 28638. Three patients are under the age of 24; six are between 25 and 64; and two are over the age of 65.

The number of patients hospitalized has increased to 14, and the number of recovered patients now stands at 220. All of the patients associated with the Sawmills Fire/Rescue cluster have now recovered and the cluster is closed.

The total number of cases at Brockford Inn Assisted Living was incorrectly reported on Sunday. The total number of cases at the facility is 47 (32 residents and 15 staff members). No additional cases were reported today at the facility.

To help slow the spread of COVID-19, Caldwell County Health Department reminds citizens to follow the 3 Ws — wear a cloth face covering, wait six feet apart, and wash your hands often.

For local, accurate information about Coronavirus, visit here or call the Caldwell County Health Department Health Information Line at 828-426-8456 or the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 828-426-8605. Resources are available in Spanish here.

Hospitalized – The number of hospitalized patients is not cumulative. It is the number of patients from Caldwell County currently hospitalized, regardless of what county they are hospitalized in.

“Also, if you follow the state numbers, you will notice we are reporting fewer cases than the state shows for our county. We report cases once the health care provider who conducted the test shares pertinent patient information and confirms test results. Until we receive that information, we do not add cases to our log.

Remember, we only report cases for patients who live in Caldwell County. Cases are counted by patient, not the number of times the patient tests positive.” Caldwell County Health Department