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CCHD COVID-19 Update #163 (October 1, 2020)

LENOIR, NC (October 1, 2020) — Here is the Caldwell County Health Department COVID-19 Update for Thursday, October 1, 2020.

Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Cases Reported Recovered Patients Active Patients
1725 12 1065 631
Deaths Hospitalized Active Outbreaks Active Clusters
29 20 2 4
Total Tested Total Negative % Patients Tested Positive
23,297 21,046 7.40%
28624 28606 28645 28630 28638 28601 28667 28611 28655
1 5 953 450 241 41 12 18 4
0-17 18-24 25-49 50-64 65-74 75+
240 176 620 387 193 109
White African American Hispanic Asian American Indian Multi-Racial
73.54% 5.53% 19.70% 0.46% 0.07% 0.72%

Twelve COVID-19 cases were reported today — eight in the 28645 Zip code, three in 28630, and one in the 28638. Two patients are between 18 and 24; five are between 25 and 49; two patients are between the ages of 50 and 64; one patient is between 65 and 75; and two patients are over the age of 75.

Most North Carolina families with children are eligible for a $335 coronavirus relief payment to help with virtual schooling and childcare costs.

The $335 payment is for individuals with a dependent child who was 16 or younger at the end of 2019. People who filed a 2019 North Carolina individual income tax return reporting a qualifying child will get the payment automatically.

Those who did not file a 2019 state return because they did not exceed the state’s filing requirements (generally $10,000 per year if single and $20,000 per year if married) may still be eligible for the $335 payment. However, to receive this payment, individuals must apply by October 15. For more information and to apply, visit

For information about Coronavirus, visit here or call the Emergency Operations Center at 828-426-8605. For statistical information, visit here.

Caldwell County Health Department

Caldwell County Health Department offers a variety of services, including screening, diagnosis, treatment of health problems and conditions, preventive services, and community health services.

Published by
Caldwell County Health Department

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