CCHD COVID-19 Update #138 (August 27, 2020)

LENOIR, NC (August 27, 2020) — Here is the Caldwell County Health Department COVID-19 Update for Thursday, August 27, 2020.

Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Cases Reported Today Recovered Patients Active Patients
1409 8 771 618
Deaths Hospitalized Active Outbreaks Active Clusters
20 21 3 0
Total Tested Total Negative % Patients Tested Positive
18,911 16,768 7.45%
28606 28645 28630 28638 28601 28667 28611 28655
1 807 362 188 30 7 13 1
0-17 18-24 25-49 50-64 65-74 75+
197 146 500 318 157 91
White African American Hispanic Asian American Indian
71.18% 5.88% 22.39% 0.47% 0.09%

Updated 08-27-2020

Eight COVID-19 cases were reported to the Health Department today — six in the 28645 Zip code, one in 28630, and one in 28601. One patient is under the age of 17; one is between 18 and 24; two are between 25 and 49; and four patients are between 50 and 64.

Since early August, over 14,000 free face coverings have been distributed throughout Caldwell County. The face coverings, provided through a partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services and supporting agencies, are still available on a first come first served basis at four locations in Caldwell County — all three branches of the Caldwell County Library and North Catawba Fire-Rescue.

People can stop by any library branch, come to the door with their request, and staff will place the face covering outside. The Lenoir branch, located at 120 Hospital Avenue, Lenoir, is open Monday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tuesday through Friday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Granite Falls branch, located at 24 South Main Street, Granite Falls, and the Hudson branch, located at 530 Central Street, Hudson, are open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

North Catawba Fire-Rescue, located at 2064 Connelly Springs Road, Lenoir, distributes masks Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 7 p.m. The department asks people to call 828-728-9041 prior to stopping by to pick up a face covering.

For information about Coronavirus, visit here or call the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 828-426-8605. For statistical information, visit here.

Hospitalized – The number of hospitalized patients is not cumulative. It is the number of patients from Caldwell County currently hospitalized, regardless of what county they are hospitalized in.

“Also, if you follow the state numbers, you will notice we are reporting fewer cases than the state shows for our county. We report cases once the health care provider who conducted the test shares pertinent patient information and confirms test results. Until we receive that information, we do not add cases to our log.

Remember, we only report cases for patients who live in Caldwell County. Cases are counted by patient, not the number of times the patient tests positive.” Caldwell County Health Department