CCHD COVID-19 Update #128 (August 13, 2020)

LENOIR, NC (August 13, 2020) — Here is the Caldwell County Health Department COVID-19 Update for Thursday, August 13, 2020.

Laboratory-Confirmed Cases Cases Reported Today Recovered Patients Active Patients
1256 3 680 560
Deaths Hospitalized Active Outbreaks Active Clusters
16 17 6 2
Total Tested Total Negative % Patients Tested Positive
16,511 14,423 7.61%
28606 28645 28630 28638 28601 28667 28611 28655
1 727 319 168 24 3 13 1
0-17 18-24 25-49 50-64 65-74 75+
166 130 446 282 148 84
White African American Hispanic Asian  
70.77% 5.52% 23.21% 0.50%

Updated 08-13-2020

Three COVID-19 cases were reported to the Health Department today — two in the 28645 Zip code and one in 28630. One patient is between 18 and 24; one are between 25 and 49; and one patient is between 65 and 74.

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper issued Executive Order 156 extending, but not waiving, proof-of-immunization and health assessment documentation deadlines for school and childcare facilities. In typical years, proof of required immunizations and health assessments are required within 30 days of the first date of attendance of school. After the 30 days, children are to be excluded from school until the family provides documentation of requirements. This year, the 30-day “grace period” for all students will begin on October 1, 2020.

Additional Information

Caldwell County recently added 13 LifePak 15 monitor/defibrillators to the lifesaving equipment on its advanced life support ambulances and quick response vehicles. Purchased through a lease program with Stryker Emergency Care, the new LifePak 15s ensure all response vehicles, including the reserve units, are able to provide the same level of advanced service and join the LUCAS 3 Chest Compression Systems on all ALS apparatus within Caldwell County’s System Plan.

For information about Coronavirus, visit here or call the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at 828-426-8605. For statistical information, visit here.

Hospitalized – The number of hospitalized patients is not cumulative. It is the number of patients from Caldwell County currently hospitalized, regardless of what county they are hospitalized in.

“Also, if you follow the state numbers, you will notice we are reporting fewer cases than the state shows for our county. We report cases once the health care provider who conducted the test shares pertinent patient information and confirms test results. Until we receive that information, we do not add cases to our log.

Remember, we only report cases for patients who live in Caldwell County. Cases are counted by patient, not the number of times the patient tests positive.” Caldwell County Health Department