CCC&TI Announces Reception and Reading for Latest Edition of Branches

HUDSON, NC (September 19, 2019) — Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute has announced that the 23rd Edition of Branches, the college’s literary and arts magazine will be released in October. The publication features prose, poetry and artwork from both CCC&TI students and members of the community.

More than 130 literature and art entries were received from students and writers and artists in the community. The final publication includes 16 written selections and 38 fine art images.

Award winners will be named in the poetry, prose and artwork categories at upcoming reading and reception events planned to celebrate the release of the publication.  On Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 5:30 p.m. a reception will be held in the Learning Resource Center (Library) on the Caldwell Campus of CCC&TI.  On Thursday, Oct. 3, a reception will be held in Room 106 of the Watauga Occupational Training Facility on the CCC&TI Watauga Campus at 5:30 p.m.  Artwork from the magazine will be on display and several authors of published pieces will be on hand for readings at both events.  The readings and presentation of awards will begin at 6 p.m. at both events.

The CCC&TI Foundation helped fund the project. Providing direction for the project was the Branches Editorial Team, which includes Jessica Chapman, Heather Barnett, DeAnna Chester, Brad Prestwood and Linda Watts as Literary Editors; Laura Aultman, Alison Beard and Tom Thielemann as the Visual Arts Editors; and Ron Wilson as Production Editor.

Copies of the magazine will be available at each of the receptions and on CCC&TI’s Caldwell and Watauga Campuses.