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Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center October 2017 Newsletter

LENOIR, NC (October 25, 2017)…Dear Friends, God is FAITHFUL!  We say this often and yet we find ourselves surprised when He does something extraordinary for us.  Why is this?  I am often guilty of this, and as I ponder on it, I wonder if it is lack of faith on my part?  Often, I put Him in the context of men on earth and thus I am surprised at the depth of His faithfulness and of His pouring out of blessings on me, His child.  Could it be that He likes surprising His children like we as parents often like surprising our children to see the joy on their faces when something wonderful is revealed?  I’m still working this out in my own mind as I am basking in His faithfulness and blessings that He has poured out on the ministry of Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center.

For 2 years the staff, volunteers and board of directors have fervently prayed for an Obstetrician/Gynecologist to come along beside us and serve as our Medical Director so that we could become a medical center and offer the life-saving tool of ultrasound to our clients.  God heard our prayers and He, in His absolute wonderfulness, brought to us not the one doctor we had prayed for, but TWO doctors.  An OB/GYN AND a pediatrician.  I am so happy to introduce them to you!

Ed Reece, D.O. moved to Lenoir from Indiana with the intentions of retiring close to the mountains with his family.  However, God had a different plan.  His heart for missions, and his love for his Lord led him to investigate more when he heard of a Christ-based, pro-life pregnancy center that was in need of a volunteer OB/GYN doctor to oversee their medical program.  After meeting with me and board member, Pastor Robert Setzer, he accepted the position and is very excited to use his gifts in this ministry.  Dr. Ed will oversee our Nurse Manager, implement programs to ensure our moms are healthy throughout their pregnancy.  He is also mentoring our young men, helping to prepare them for fatherhood.  Since, moving to our area he has taken on a part-time role as a doctor at Laurel Park Women’s Health working with their midwives.  Dr. Ed is married to Liz Reece, who you will learn more about in the next paragraph, and has a son in school here in Caldwell County. He has more babies to deliver and through his work with CPCC he is making a big impact on our county!!

Liz Reece, MD is our example of God blessing us beyond what we could imagine or even ask for.  Oftentimes we pray for God to give us what we need and forget that the God we serve is so BIG and has plans that far exceed what we could even imagine – plans that show His love for us and the work that we are doing, in His name.  We don’t always get to see this bigger picture that He has planned.  That is what happened with us – we only saw the small picture needing only one doctor.  Thankfully, God is the one in control and He had a different plan.  He sent us our second doctor.  Dr. Liz, who is Dr. Ed’s wife, and their family moved here from Indiana for her to work at Mulberry Pediatrics as a pediatrician.  When she, along with Dr. Ed, heard of our ministry she knew that God was calling her to be a part of it.  She said to me at one of our first meetings that somehow, she wanted to be used – that she was willing to clean our bathrooms if that is what was needed.  What a servant’s heart she has!  This servant’s heart would become even more evident each time we met.  Dr. Liz will be helping our Nurse Manager implement a program to give our moms of new babies’ support in the months following their births.  This will be done through education materials, nurse observations, and having a nurse available on a weekly basis for our moms to talk over concerns with.  This is a pioneer program for pregnancy centers and we trust God to lead our steps.

Will you join me in praising our faithful Heavenly Father for this extraordinary blessing that He has bestowed upon this ministry?  As you pray to God throughout the day will you lift your voice with ours in thanking Him for answering our prayers for our Medical Director Dr. Ed and also for our wonderful surprise in Dr. Liz?!  I am excited to see what other surprises God has in store for the future of Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center!

Basking in His Glory,
Machelle Kirby
Executive Director


A BIG Thank You to all of the 330 “WALKers” and “PRAYers” who came and supported our Annual WALK-4-Life.  It was such a blessing to see each and every one of you!  To date we have raised over $25,000.  We truly could not have done this without the support of each walker.  THANK YOU!


·         Grace Baptist Church for the diapers and baby items.

·         Oak Grove Baptist Church WMU for the donation of toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex’s and trash bags.

·         Greer Laboratories for their Day of Service in which they painted our Nurse Manager’s office and did yard work.

·         Caldwell County School Association of Office Personnel for their gifts of baby items.

·         Our faithful volunteers who serve tirelessly in using their gifts with our clients.

·         Covenant Bible Fellowship for providing snacks for our client HOPE meeting.

NEEDS . . .

·         A sponsor for our HOPE mtg. snacks for our clients for the month of November.

Would you like to learn more about Caldwell Pregnancy Care Center?  Our Executive Director is available to come to your church, business or organization for a presentation.  We also offer tours of the center for your group along with abstinence classes for youth groups.  Call us today!!

Reminder:  You can DONATE online at

Thank you for your support!!

Mark Jackson

Published by
Mark Jackson

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