Special to the Caldwell Journal (by Laura Sedlacek – 03/29/2017)…Caldwell Humane Society, Inc. is a non-profit, all-volunteer group that emphasizes spaying and neutering as the primary solution for pet overpopulation in Caldwell county. CHS offers monthly low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics through a partnership with Asheville’s Humane Alliance, a program of the ASPCA.
Since October 2005, more than 7,000 Caldwell county animals have been spayed or neutered through Caldwell Humane Society’s low-cost clinics. Spaying and neutering is the key to ending pet overpopulation because it halts the cycle of pets having litters, and their litters having litters and so on. Without low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinics, many Caldwell county pet owners would not be able to afford the costs.
In addition to low rates available to the general public, two financial aid programs, SPOT and ICARE, help families with limited income pay for spay/neuter surgery. SPOT, which stands for Stop Pet Overpopulation Today, pays half the surgery fee for qualifying pet owners. SPOT is Caldwell Humane Society’s local program. ICARE refers to the State of North Carolina’s Spay/Neuter Program. Special animal-lover license tags raise money for spay/neuter surgeries. Funds are allocated by the county to pay surgery fees for qualifying clients and reimbursement from the State is requested by the Caldwell County Health Department. The reimbursed funds are “recycled” so that more spays/neuters can be offered to those who qualify.
Meetings and reservation sessions (which offer the opportunity to make a low-cost spay/neuter appointment) are held in the meeting rooms of the Caldwell County Public Library in Lenoir. The Clinics are coordinated from the Caldwell County Fairgrounds, and pets are transported to Asheville for surgery and returned the next day. CHS uses a cell phone with voicemail for a phone. Callers must leave a message and a volunteer will return the call. CHS is always in need of folks to help with clinic preparations, operations at the clinic pick up and drop off and also with fundraisers.
Want to volunteer? Send an email to caldwell4pets@gmail.com and include your full name. If you don’t have email, please call (828) 499-0289 and leave your name and number. A volunteer will answer your email or return your call.
Want to sign up your pet for a low-cost Spay/Neuter Clinic? Reservation sessions are usually held the first two Tuesday nights every month from 6:30-7:30pm in the meeting rooms at the Caldwell County Public Library in Lenoir. For more information, you may pick up an application at the library or at Bush and Associates at 916 Wilkesboro Blvd in Lenoir.
To find out more, please visit www.caldwellhumane.org. Caldwell Humane Society Inc. is a public charity under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3).
Laura Sedlacek is a volunteer with CHS. She is also a local poet and author. Find her on Facebook: @lbsedlacekpoet or @poetryinla. Or www.lbsedlacek.com.
Laura Sedlacek is a Caldwell Journal Contributor.
Copyright 2017 Caldwell Journal on behalf of Laura Sedlacek. All rights reserved.
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