LENOIR, NC (June 1, 2017)…Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care trained 11 teenagers to serve as VolunTEENs during its recent workshops. Pictured are (standing, l to r) Kendal Murphy, Cassie Roberts, John Pezzi, Nathan Triplett, Nancie Corpening, Katherine Buitrago; and (seated, l to r) Madison Maloney, Jamie Cline, Peighton Watson, Anabel Zayas, and Kendra Triplett.
“We trained a good group of teens, and they are already involved in our ambitious summer schedule,” said Volunteer Support Specialist Crystal Burch. “VolunTEENs have so many opportunities to serve; among them are preparing our newsletter for mailing; baking cookies and making ice cream sundaes with residential hospice patients at our patient care units, and helping with yard work for some of our hospice patients at their homes.”
Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care accepts applications each year for participation in the VolunTEEN program, with training workshops held in May or June. VolunTEENs from West Caldwell, South Caldwell, and Hibriten high schools, as well as the Early College and Middle College, help with patient-centered projects during the school year and in the summer months.
To learn more about the Caldwell Hospice VolunTEEN program, visit www.caldwellhospice.org or contact Volunteer Support Specialist Crystal Burch at 828.754.0101 or volsupport@caldwellhospice.org.
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