Caldwell Hospice Bereavement Coordinator Speaks At National Conference On Stillbirth
LENOIR, NC (August 31, 2016)…Steve Butler, DMin, ACC, bereavement coordinator at Caldwell Hospice and Palliative Care, presented ”Grand Parenting Through Grief” at the Stillbirthday Global Network’s (SBD) HomeComing 2016 event in Kearney, MO.
Butler, author of A Letter From Heaven and We Do Remember You, was one of six professionals invited to speak at the weekend conference.
The conference theme was “Please Remove Your Shoes”. “The theme speaks to the sacred space where birth and death meet and in the midst of our grief and pain, we somehow discover that God is present and suffering right beside us,” explained Butler. “The doulas of the Stillbirthday community gathered to celebrate their common journey and to receive additional tools to support and assist the mothers they care for.”
The Stillbirthday Global Network is a longevity and educational program for SBD doulas (also commonly known as birth companions) to share skills, resources and information. The organization introduces and advances the skill set of perinatal & allied healthcare. Mothers, midwives, nurses and more, from all over the globe, have earned the SBD credential as Birth and Bereavement Doulas.
The network offers a dual training program, combining both a complete birth preparation program with intensive bereavement doula training. Together, this training gives doulas the capabilities of providing support for birth in any outcome and in any trimester.
Caldwell Hospice is committed to providing bereavement services to anyone who needs and wants help in coping with their grief, including those with no hospice affiliation.
For more information about hospice bereavement services, call 828.754.0101, or visit or facebook.