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Caldwell Baptist Association Events & News

LENOIR, NC (November 11, 2016)…News and event information provided by the Caldwell Baptist Association.

College Avenue Baptist Church will present the Alpine Christmas Village December 1, 3, and 4 in the old Lenoir High School gym. Reservations are required and can be made beginning Saturday, November 12 at 9am on the church website The Alpine Village is built for children–to provide gifts and joy for the season as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please limit reservations to groups of 10 or less. For more information visit the website or call the church office at 828-754-6482.

North Catawba Baptist Church will have a Lottie Moon Missions Fundraiser consisting of a craft sale, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, November 12 from 8am-2pm. A hearty country breakfast will be sold beginning at 8am and lunch consisting of homemade soup and grilled cheese sandwiches will be sold from 11:30am – 2:00pm. There will be handmade craft items, decorated wreaths, baked goods, home canned goods, and more. The church is located at 1596 North Catawba Church Ave, Lenoir.

Covenant Baptist Church youth group will have a Fall Shopping Ball on November 12, 9am-2pm in the church parking lot, located at 1425 Lee Pearson Rd, Granite Falls. Proceeds to benefit the 2017 youth summer camp. Vendors include Premier Designs Jewelry, 31, Origami Owl, Mary-Kay, Perfectly Posh and many more. Come do your Christmas shopping from local home business owners.

Dudley Shoals Baptist Church will present the Insanity of God simulcast on November 13 at 7pm. This is free to anyone who would like to attend. The church is located at 1882 Dudley Shoals Road, Granite Falls. For more information call the church office at 82-396-7300.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day event will be held at Western Piedmont Council of Governments, 1880 2nd Avenue, NW in Hickory on Saturday, November 19 from 10:30am to 2:30pm. This event is for people affected by suicide loss. This event welcomes teens and adults. Lunch will be provided. This is not a suicide prevention event. For more information or to register, contact Jenna Duncan at 828-514-9079 or

Dry Ponds Baptist Church will sponsor a Free Community Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday, November 20 from 4-6pm. The church is located at 5235 Union Church Rd, Granite Falls. Invite family and friends. Everyone is welcome.

Miller Hill Baptist Church will host Nora Brooks of Nora Brooks Historical Presentations on November 20 at 6pm. She has been presenting historical dramas since 1996 and does an outstanding job weaving history, biography and personal character together into a spellbinding performance. At Miller Hill she will be presenting the recently added character of Lottie Moon. Other churches are invited to join Miller Hill in this presentation.

First Baptist Church of Whitnel, 1201 Connelly Springs Road, Lenoir is a drop location for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. The church will receive the boxes at the dates and times listed below:
Monday, Nov. 14: 1:00-5:00pm Tuesday, Nov. 15: 8:30am-12:30pm
Wednesday, Nov. 16: 5:00-8:00pm Thursday, Nov. 17: 1:00-5:00pm
Friday, Nov. 18: 5:00-8:00pm Saturday, Nov. 19: 9:00am-5:00pm
Sunday, Nov. 20: 1:00-4:00pm Monday, Nov. 21: 8:30am-12:30pm

Poovey’s Chapel Baptist Church will have a Community Thanksgiving Worship Service on Tuesday, November 22 at 7pm. The church is located at 2822 Poovey’s Chapel Church Road, Hudson.

Clover Baptist Church will host its eighth annual Community Thanksgiving Meal on Thursday, November 24. The traditional turkey & ham meal will be served from 11am until 2pm with carry out meals available after 2pm providing there is food left. This meal is for those financially not able to afford a Thanksgiving meal or those who would be eating alone on Thanksgiving Day. The church is located at 100 Pinewood Rd, Granite Falls.

Brotherhood Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month for men in all interested churches. The meetings start at 6:30pm with dinner followed by a worship service. The next meeting will be held on December 13 at Highway to Hedges, 2186 Broadland Rd, Lenoir. If you have questions contact Rev. Tony Harris at 828-485-8490.

Clover Baptist Church will present the Christmas drama, The Message of Christmas, on Friday and Saturday, December 16 and 17. The presentation on Friday will begin at 7pm and features the drama only and all seating is free. The drama on Saturday begins at 6pm in the form of a Dinner/Theatre. There are two meal options with Menu 1 featuring pork barbeque and Menu 2 featuring baked spaghetti. The cost is $9 for adults and $7 for children age 12 and under. Reservations are required for the meal and may be made by contacting the church office at 828-396-2417 between the hours of 8am and 2:30pm Monday-Thursday.

Camp Caraway is excited to introduce a new two-night winter camp for children’s groups over MLK Weekend. This winter camp experience will be unique from the traditional summer camp sessions. Through on-going tribal team challenges, worship, and teaching, students will learn what the Bible teaches about unity. The date is January 14-16 and is for boys and girls grades 3-6. The cost is $95 per person. Must register by January 4, 2017 at

Union Grove Baptist Church will present Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University, January 15, 2017 through March 12, 2017. It will be held every Sunday at 4:30pm in the church fellowship hall located at 1808 Union Grove Road, Lenoir. This 9-week class will help you achieve your financial goals by showing you how to eliminate debt, save for the future, and give like never before. Each individual or couple will need one copy of the Financial Peace University membership kit at a cost of $93 (plus shipping). Register online for the class and order the kit at For more information contact Bethany Lingle at 828-310-9004 or

Helping Hands is recruiting for the following volunteer positions: nurse triage, pharmacy assistants, pharmacists, and clerical assistant. If interested contact Debra Philyaw at 828-754-8565, ext. 313 or email

Clearview Baptist Church, located off the Alfred Hartley Road, has a singing every fourth Sunday night at 6pm. Pastor Geoffery Day welcomes everyone. The church is also looking for a 15-passenger van. If you could help with this contact Heath Garnes at 828-455-4020.

Samaritan’s Purse
New Information Concerning Operation Christmas Child
Candy specifications: During 2016, the following types of candy can be included in shoebox gifts: hard candy, gummy bears, caramels, taffy, and gum-as long as its expiration date is at least six months after National Collection Week: Nov. 14-21, 2016. Starting in 2017, no type of candy can be included in shoebox gifts.

Toothpaste specifications: Toothpaste can be included this year as long as its expiration date is at least six months after National Collection Week: Nov. 14-21, 2016. Starting in 2017, toothpaste cannot be included in shoebox gifts, but a child’s oral hygiene can still be improved by regular use of a toothbrush alone.

Setzer Creek Baptist Church is looking for a pianist. If interested please contact Ryan Greene at 758-9336.

Flemings Chapel Baptist Church is seeking a part-time Worship Leader. Please send resume to Personnel Committee, 4430 Littlejohn Church Rd, Lenoir, NC 28645.

Union Baptist Church located at 4595 Union Baptist Road, Lenoir is seeking a full-time pastor. If you have questions about this position contact Jerry Benfield at 828-850-2329. Send resumes to

For a list of available interim/supply ministers go to and click on the “Church” tab.

Caldwell Baptist Association, Inc.
828-758-4081 |

Mark Jackson

Published by
Mark Jackson

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