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Caldwell Baptist Association Church & Community News

LENOIR, NC (October 13, 2021) — Here is Church/Community news that is provided by the Caldwell Baptist Association. The Caldwell Baptist Association assists churches and non-profit organizations in advertising news and events. The Church/Community news goes out every Wednesday. If you would like to advertise in this publication please email your information to Darlene by Tuesday each week.


Lower Creek Baptist Church will host a concert and evening with Janet and Sharon Hayes on Sunday, October 17 at 6pm. Everyone is invited to attend.

Miller Hill Baptist Church, Lenoir has 12 plastic/metal small children’s classroom chairs to give away. If interested contact the church at 828-758-4550 Tuesday – Thursday from 9:00 AM-2:00 PM.

The Association is working with Lakeview Baptist Church and NC Baptists on Mission to help with the 2021 Appalachian Coalfields Ministry. The statewide goal is to collect 18,000 backpacks to be distributed to Appalachian children in late November and December this year. Please take your items to Lakeview Baptist Church in Lenoir on Saturday, November 6, 2021. Click on the link for more information.

The Caldwell Baptist Association has been made aware of a possible phone call scam targeting churches. The caller is using the name of BB Media to sell Booster Club packs for schools. Please use caution if you receive such a call.


Yokefellow’s 5th Annual Empty Bowls COVID Safe outdoor event is being held Saturday, October 30th, 11am-2pm and you can drop in anytime at Yokefellow’s new facility located at 202 Harper Avenue in Lenoir. For more information, click on the link.

Hope4NC is a free, confidential, state-wide program funded by FEMA and NCDHHS, currently helping people affected by the impact of the COVID crisis. There is a 24/7 Helpline offering emotional support and referrals to local services. Call or text “hope” to 1-855-587-3463. Available is 1-to-1 Counseling & Support by accessing the Helpline or contact directly or call 828-348-2641.

Samaritan’s Purse is now hiring seasonal workers. First and second shifts are available from mid-November to mid-December at their Operation Christmas Child regional shoebox processing centers. Click on the link to apply.

Foothills Service Project is looking for individuals over 60 years old in Caldwell County that need an access ramp, porch or deck repairs, life chair, grab bars or hand held shower. They are also in desperate need of volunteer groups to help with these projects. They will be happy to do a presentation for a church, a group or an organization. You can reach them at 828-879-8400 or via email.

Would you like to know more about Truett Conference Center & Camp located in Hayesville, NC? If so, click on this link. They have some upcoming events that you may be interested in. Click on the following links for more information.

Senior Adult Celebration

Truett Man Camp

Father Son Event

The Pray Together, Go Together Prayer Emphasis kicked off January 9, 2021. There is still time to sign up and pray for unsaved people in Caldwell County. There are 250 pockets of lostness in North Carolina. Three of the pockets are in Caldwell County. A pocket of lostness is where a high concentration of unchurched and unsaved people live. This emphasis encourages people to prayer walk or prayer drive through your community on the day of your choice. Please sign up to pray by clicking on the following link to the Baptist State Convention of NC. Pray Together


Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Hudson, NC, is seeking a pastor. Please send resumes to Pastor Search Committee, PO Box 859, Hudson, NC 28638. Resumes will be received until January 31, 2022.

Friendship Baptist Church, Hudson NC, is seeking an energetic interim Children/Youth Leader with potential for a permanent position (15-20 hours per week). Please email resumes.

Concord Baptist Church in Granite Falls is in need of a pianist in their Worship Band. The worship music is blended of all styles with a strong emphasis on contemporary music. Christian testimony is significant. It is a paid ministry position. Contact Rev. Jimmy Preachers, Minister of Music & Worship at 828-396-1914, or 828-446-2233 or email him your interest and resume.

Nelson’s Chapel Baptist Church of Lenoir is seeking a part-time minister of children and youth. Resumes can be sent to the church at 4958 Kirby Mountain Rd, Lenoir or by email.

Friendship Baptist Church in Hudson, NC has an opening for a full time pastor. To access the ad and find more information please go to or on Twitter. The ad will also be printed in the September issue of the Biblical Recorder. Resumes will be accepted thru October 15, 2021.

Lower Creek Baptist Church in Lenoir is seeking a full time Associate Pastor of Worship and Student Ministry. Click on the link to submit a resume. For more information about the position click here or go to the church website.

Oak Grove Baptist Church in North Wilkesboro is seeking a full-time pastor. Click on the link for more information concerning this position and requirements for submitting a resume.

El Bethel Baptist Church in Morganton is seeking a part-time youth director. Click on the link to send a resume. For more information click here

First Baptist Church of Hildebran is seeking a full-time pastor. Resumes can be sent to church at PO Box 220, Hildebran, NC 28637 or email For more information click here

First Baptist Church of Hildebran is seeking a part-time Music Director. Resumes can be sent to the church at PO Box 220, Hildebran, NC 28637 or email For more information click here.

First Baptist Church of Hildebran is seeking a pianist. Resumes can be sent to the church at PO Box 220, Hildebran, NC 28637 or email For more information click here.

Provided by the Caldwell Baptist Association

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