LENOIR, NC (January 10, 2018)…The Caldwell County Board of Education has chosen the North Carolina School Boards Association (NCSBA) to help facilitate its search for the next superintendent of the Caldwell County Public School System. As part of that process, the board is seeking direct input from interested members of the staff and community to help shape the search process and assist in defining the qualities and characteristics of the next superintendent. The following avenues for input are available to the community and staff:
Community Survey. The board invites parents and community members to participate in a short community survey that can be accessed and completed online at caldwellschools.com. Paper copies of the survey also may be found at the Education Center. Completed paper surveys should be returned to the Education Center’s receptionist by Thursday, February 1, 2018. The survey results will be compiled, summarized, and presented at by NCSBA at the regular School Board meeting on Monday, February 12, 2018.
Staff Survey. In addition, all district employees will have an opportunity to complete a separate online staff survey.
Public Comment. On January 24, 2018, the Board will hold a specially called meeting to hear from stakeholders as follows:
Noon until 1 p.m. Members of the Business Community and Chamber of Commerce
4 p.m. until 5 p.m. Faculty and Staff School
5 p.m. until 6 p.m. Parent Leaders, PTA/PTO Council, Education Foundation, and CCC&TI
6 p.m. until 7 p.m. Principals and Assistant Principals
All meetings are scheduled at the Education Center in the Board Room, located at 1914 Hickory Blvd. SW, Lenoir, N.C. 28645. Citizens must sign up to speak before the meeting begins and need to comply with Board Policy 2310 Public Participation at Board Meetings (see https://boardpolicyonline.com/bl/?b=caldwell_county#&&hs=195086).
Statements from Groups or Organizations. Groups or organizations that would like to submit statements regarding the leadership qualities that they consider important in the next superintendent may submit such statements to Allison Schafer via mail at NCSBA, P.O. Box 97877, Raleigh, NC 27624, via email at aschafer@ncsba.org, or via fax at 919-841-4020. These statements should be received no later than Thursday, February 1, 2018.
About Caldwell County Shools
The Caldwell County School System is a nationally accredited public school district enrolling 12,000 students in grades Pre-K-13. The school system operates 26 schools, including eleven elementary schools (Pre-K-5), four middle schools (6-8), four elementary-middle schools (Pre-K-8), three traditional high schools (9-12), one middle college high school (9-12), one early college high school (9-13), and two alternative schools (K-5 and 6-12). In addition, the school system operates the Patterson Science Center, a STEAM center for grades K-12 featuring an outdoor classroom environment on 1,400 acres. Caldwell County Schools is the largest employer in Caldwell County with approximately 1,800 employees. The school system’s vision is that “every student will graduate from high school, be globally competitive for work or postsecondary education, and be prepared for life in the 21st century.”
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