Blue Ridge Saxophone Festival & Concert
MAIDEN, NC (March 11, 2018)…Blue Ridge Saxophone Festival, Inc. is a one day clinic held in western North Carolina for saxophonists of any age and any ability. “For a total of eight years,” says event coordinator Greg Chapman, “our goal has been, and continues to be, to inspire and motivate the next generation of saxophonists, and give them the tools to become a well-rounded musician.”
This year’s clinic will be held at Maiden High School in Maiden, NC, beginning at 10am. Cost for the event is $35.00 per person. Door prizes valued at more than $8,000, including a new Cannonball Vintage soprano saxophone, will be awarded.
The clinic provides participants the opportunity to explore classical and jazz music, as well as be part of an ensemble. “Our professional clinicians are outstanding musicians but, more importantly, are outstanding teachers,” continues Chapman. “They invest themselves in these musicians in ways that encourage and expand their vision of their musical capabilities.”
International jazz recording artist Eric Darius will be this year’s jazz clinician, and Neal Postma, saxophonist, pedagogue, and D’Addario representative, will be the classical clinician.
Participants will enjoy interactive sessions with both clinicians throughout the day, and the community is invited to a showcase concert that evening at 7pm.
The Blue Ridge Saxophone Festival, a 501c3 organization, exists to provide quality musical instruction and experience for saxophonists of all ages, ethnicities and musical abilities. Our goal is to measure and enjoy the musical successes and the inspiration of those individuals served.
Sponsors for the event include The Music Center, Cannonball Music, The Whitener Foundation, Legere Reeds, among others. For more information, or to register, visit Registration deadline is March 9, 2018.
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Maiden High School_Maiden, NC
Registration begins at 9am
Event begins at 10am
Community Concert at 7pm
Press Release courtesy of Greg Chapman