As Archery Season Approaches, Keep Your Sights on Safety

RALEIGH, NC (September 2, 2016)…As archery season for deer opens Sept. 10 statewide, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reminds hunters to practice safety in the field.
“Hunting season is the time when hunters put into practice all of the safety precautions they learned during hunter education,” said Carissa Shelton, the Commission’s western outreach manager. “Archery season comes with its own set of regulations and safe practices, both of which are the responsibility of the hunter.”
Hunters should always take the time to use binoculars to positively identify their target and anything beyond that target before releasing an arrow. Additionally, they should always point their crossbow, longbow or compound bow in a safe direction.
Shelton reminds archery hunters who use a tree stand to:
•Use a full-body safety harness at all times.
•Ensure all belts, chains and attachments are in working order before use.
•Maintain three points of contact when climbing.
•Utilize a haul line to raise and lower equipment.
All bowhunters should follow these safety tips:
•Never carry a bow with a nocked arrow.
•Never “dry-fire” a bow – Releasing without an arrow can cause sudden breakage.
•Load a crossbow only when in a fixed hunting position.
•Keep fingers and thumb below the rail of a crossbow at all times.
•Use a flashlight when changing locations during low-light conditions.
For more information on hunting seasons, Hunting Heritage Apprentice Permits and the Hunter Education Program, go to