A Clean Wilson Creek

By Wes Waugh — Just slightly over three months ago, I sat on Betsey’s Store porch in Mortimer, N.C., with Bruce Gray and discussed the future of Wilson Creek and the wilderness area. The river we felt, continued to be under a grave threat. With no new National Forest Service or Caldwell County funding resources on even a distant horizon, there was every reason to feel disparaged, even depressed about the decade to come. Over the past nine years, an influx of recreational users had established a chronic and overwhelming trash problem. Picking up mounds of weekly garbage, combined with constant efforts required to restore rocks and bridges from vandalism at times resulted in a feeling of exhaustion; physical, emotional, and certainly financial for this small crew.

Yet as our conversation continued, and we focused on possible solutions, we became more optimistic, even while many would argue we had no reason to be. Why? Possibly, because we felt no choice other than continue to battle these elements. But more importantly, I think it’s because we know there are thousands of people who love this river and wilderness just as much as we do. If we could come up with a strong team and infrastructure to guide the process, these positive river warriors would rise to the occasion given time and opportunity. We are not idealistic and know there is much work ahead and many partnerships to build. However, we still strongly believe this, so here we go! Help prove us right and provide Bruce Gray with a wave of support in the weeks and months ahead. Below is our new site ready to accept tax deductible, receipt supported donations, and a YouTube video link that we hope you will share. Thank you for any help or shares you can offer up.  www.acleanwilsoncreek.org